
La Junta airport is 3 miles north of La Junta, in the La Junta Industrial Park, off State Highway 109.  Coordinates: Lat. 38-03.06 N & Long. 103-30.64 W

While the facility is an uncontrolled service, it is the largest airport in Southeast Colorado, which includes two runways and 77 acres of tarmac. Numerous private and charter planes utilize the well-maintained facility year round with a maximum wheel load of 20,000 pounds.

The main runway, east/west, is 75 feet wide by 6,851 feet long and the crosswind runway is 60 feet wide by 5,800 feet long. The main runway has pilot controlled lighting on Unicom 123.0, PAPI’s and REIL’s. 

A reputation for low fuel prices has attracted pilots from all over the country. Other available services include a pilot’s lounge, courtesy car, 24-hour 7-day a week self-serve fuel system, and plenty of free tie-down space. A helipad area completes the La Junta airport’s full range of aircraft facilities.

Wireless Internet access is available in the pilot’s lounge/customer service area.  The Fairway Restaurant & Bar is located at the Municipal Golf Course clubhouse approximately one-quarter mile from the Fixed-Base Operator (FBO) building. The Fairway restaurant phone is: (719) 384-7133.

Aviation FBO hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.,  seven days a week except major holidays.

The La Junta Airport is operated by the City’s Property Management Department. The Property Management offices are located in the La Junta Municipal Building at 601 Colorado Avenue. 

Other Navigational Information
  • Magnetic Variance 10E
  • Navigational Aids LAA 116.9 246 39.9
  • Elevation 4238
  • Pattern Altitudes 5038 MSL all aircraft
  • ASOS 135.525
  • Witchita Chart L6

The Aviation staff manages compliance with the Clean Water Act to minimize potential for contaminants getting into the drainage ways and ground water from the Industrial Park. The staff performs the hourly weather observations, and sells fuel, supplies, and concessions. 

Annual statistics:
  • 8000 single engine aircraft
  • 400 twin engine aircraft
  • 60 jets
  • 10 helicopters
  • 80 Flight for Life flights
  • 300 military aircraft

FY 2024-26 Overall DBE Three-Year Goal Methodology

Bill Jackson

Assistant City Manager
Email Bill
Phone: (719) 384-2578

La Junta Airport

30267 1st Avenue
La Junta, CO  81050
Phone: (719) 384-8407
Code: LHX


Airport Hours
Monday through Saturday
7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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