
The La Junta Police Department is responsible for protecting the lives, property, and businesses of both La Junta residents and visitors.  The La Junta Police Department responds to calls for police service, enforces state and local laws or ordinances, conducts preventative patrol activities, performs criminal investigations, promotes traffic safety, and apprehends criminal and traffic offenders.

Our Mission

The mission of the La Junta Police Department is to efficiently provide professional and ethical police service to our community by promoting a safe environment through a police-citizen partnership, with an emphasis on mutual trust, leadership, integrity, fairness and professionalism.

Our Values

  • Leadership
  • Integrity
  • Fairness
  • Professionalism

The La Junta Police Department has 16 positions: one chief, one patrol commander, two investigators, four watch commanders, seven patrol officers, and one patrol officer II/Code Enforcement Officer.

Police Records

The records bureau maintains reports on all accidents and arrests; accepts fees and releases vehicles; assists citizens in matters pertaining to police records.

Citizens Police Academy 

The LJPD offers a Citizens Police Academy to educate citizens about our local police department and law enforcement.  

For more information on the Citizens Police Academy stop by the police department to pick up an application or request an application via email.  

Code Enforcement

Code enforcement is staffed by one patrol officer II/Code Enforcement Officer. Their duties include enforcing the City of La Junta municipal code, primarily weeds, rubbish, trash, dogs and animal complaints, junk vehicles, and parking-related violations.

Todd Quick

Chief of Police Operations
Email Todd
Phone: (719) 384-2525
LJPD Facebook
Emergency Phone: 911

Municipal Building

601 Colorado
La Junta, CO  81050
Phone: (719) 384-5991


Municipal Building Hours
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

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