
The City of La Junta Purchasing Department is an internal service functioning as a reference for employees to maximize the value of public funds in procurement and to maintain an ethical quality procurement system.  This is accomplished by assisting employees in the purchase of goods through research and the follow through of the acquisition process.

From an economic standpoint the goal is to obtain the highest quality goods and services for the City of La Junta at the lowest possible price and to allow fair and equal opportunity among qualified suppliers as well as to provide for increased public confidence in the procedures followed in public purchasing.  We have a perpetual inventory system warehouse on sight for which frequently used items are purchased in bulk in the interest of efficiency and cost effectiveness.

The Purchasing Department also provides aid to the other City departments by providing support in the bidding process as well contract espousal and maintenance. 

City of La Junta Bid Notices

In the spirit of continuous improvement and cost management, the City of La Junta utilizes this bid system to post Request for Proposal (RFP) and bid opportunities.  We strive to receive the best value for the goods and services purchased. Click this link to go to the city’s bidding page: 

Bid Net

Jennifer Hinkhouse

Director of Purchasing
Email Jennifer
Phone: (719) 363.1322

Utility and Purchasing Warehouse

515 Lacey Avenue
La Junta, CO 81050
(719) 384.7546 


Warehouse Hours
Monday through Thursday
7 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

(closed for lunch)

12:30 to 4:30 p.m.


7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

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