Economic Development

Grow Your Business in La Junta

La Junta Economic Development prioritizes programs, policies and activities that seek to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for the City of La Junta.

Over the years, La Junta Economic Development has formed partnerships with regional, state, and national agencies to streamline the process to help businesses of all sizes and industries relocate and grow in La Junta and Southeast Colorado.

La Junta Economic Development focuses on an economic development program that fosters retention and expansion of La Junta businesses, industrial recruitment and trade. Furthermore, La Junta Economic Development is prepared to help client companies with relocation to La Junta. This includes both larger corporate companies and with small business development. Contact our Economic Development Director today to discover how we can help enhance the growth and expansion of your business through our partnerships, incentives, and available local resources.

Main Street + Creative District = La Junta Rise

La Junta is both a Colorado Main Street and Colorado Creative District leveraging two vital state programs to coalesce funding, data and information, and technical assistance to support La Junta’s growing vibrant downtown and creative industries. Combined these programs are La Junta Rise. 

Main Street La Junta, which is a certified Main Street, has offered support for community-led downtown revitalization since 2018. Main Street helps communities thrive by providing a customizable framework to focus efforts, energy, and resources to create a more vibrant community by helping La Junta identify and leverage opportunities and resources. The reinvestment statistics, reported quarterly, demonstrate the impact of community efforts in tandem with the customizable, accessible, and holistic services from the program. 

The Colorado Creative Districts program certifies communities that contribute to our state’s economy through creativity, culture, and the arts. The program’s goal is to help communities increase jobs, incomes, and investments in creative places.

La Junta Rise Board

Pamela Denahy

Director of Tourism & Economic Development
Email Pamela
Phone: (719) 468-1439
Visit La Junta Facebook


Municipal Building

601 Colorado
La Junta, CO  81050
Phone: (719) 384-5991


Municipal Building Hours
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

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