City Park is by far the most used park in the City of La Junta’s park system. The north and south boundaries are 10th and 14th Streets, respectively, and the east and west boundaries are Colorado and Park Avenues, respectively. The Park received a National Register designation in the 1990s, which required a covenant be placed on the site. The stonework on the buildings adjacent to Colorado Avenue and the pedestrian paths are all original and were constructed by the Works Projects Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.
City Park has numerous active and passive recreational opportunities. There are pedestrian paths, picnic tables and benches, and open green space. A pond near the northern end of the Park is used for fishing and stocked twice a year. There is a bandstand near the eastern entrance of the Park. In proximity to the bandstand is the historic caretaker’s house.
City Park contains a set of basketball courts and a state-of-the-art skatepark. There is a playground in City Park which has two play structures, a swing set, and sand surfacing. The play structures seem to be in good condition, with only minor aesthetic degradation due to length of time outdoors. There are a couple picnic shelters in the Park which are available for public use and can be reserved at no charge for private events by contacting the Parks & Rec Department.