Water & Wastewater

Water Department

The City of La Junta has fourteen (14) full time certified water professionals which operate the water treatment facility, maintain our distribution system, and monitor CDPHE regulations and water quality control. 

The water treatment plant went online in 2004. The city draws its water from Arkansas River alluvial wells, which is then treated through a reverse osmosis/blend system. The treatment process is used to remove unwanted material such as dirt, sand, sediment, and other unwanted contaminants from the water while giving water an enjoyable taste. By utilizing reverse osmosis technology, the city can provide its residents with clean and potable water that meets or exceeds all state and federal drinking water regulations.

The treatment facility can produce up to 6.6 million gallons per day, with a current average of 2.6 million gallons per day.

Water Quality Reports

Below are past years Water Quality Reports for the City of La Junta as provided by the Consumer Confidence Report. 

Calendar Year 2023
Calendar Year 2023 Spanish
Calendar Year 2022
Calendar Year 2021 Spanish
Calendar Year 2021
Calendar Year 2020

Utility Rates


The City of La Junta has nine (9) full time certified wastewater professionals responsible for operating and maintaining the sewers, lift stations, wastewater treatment plant, and an industrial pretreatment program. The industrial pretreatment program prevents the introduction of pollutants into the wastewater treatment plant that will interfere with its operation or cause damage to the environment.

The current wastewater treatment plant was completed in 2019, replacing a plant that dated back to 1929. The upgrade was required to comply with stricter regulations from CDPHE, and to accommodate the current needs of La Junta. The WWTP can treat up to 1.63 million gallons per day, with a current average of 0.9 million gallons per day. The current sewer service area encompasses approximately three-square miles.

Water and Sanitary Sewer Information or Problems

The water and wastewater departments respond to problems regarding the City’s systems, including mains, meters, manholes, and other customer concerns, on a 24 hour a day basis. During normal business hours, please contact the Utilities Office at (719) 384-2546 or the Water Utilities office at (719) 384-7358 with any questions or concerns. After hours, please call the Power Plant at (719) 384.2611. 

Contact the Utilities Office at (719) 384-2546 for more information about rates, billing, or to schedule a time for a technician to come to your home or business.

Tom Seaba

Director of Water and Wastewater Treatment
Motor Pool Director
Email Tom
Phone: (719) 384-7358

Utility and Purchasing Warehouse

515 Lacey Avenue
La Junta, CO 81050
(719) 384.7546 


Warehouse Hours
Monday through Thursday
7 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

(closed for lunch)

12:30 to 4:30 p.m.


7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

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