The La Junta Municipal Court is responsible for processing citations issued in violation of City ordinances. Citations are issued by the La Junta Police Department. Case variety includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Traffic offenses within the city limits
- Criminal misdemeanors
- Municipal Code violations
The LJ Municipal Court does not handle summonses for County Court. Please check your summons. For Otero County Court information, please click here.
Please note that all questions outside of court need to be directed to the clerk. The judge is not available to discuss cases outside of court.
Your Rights in Municipal Court
- You have the right to hire an attorney to represent you.
- You are entitled to a reasonable continuance (or reschedule) in order to hire an attorney to assist you.
- You have the right to require witnesses to attend court on your behalf. The court will issue the appropriate subpoenas or subpoena duces tecum at no charge, to require a witness to appear in court.
- You have the right to testify on your behalf.
- You have the right to refuse to testify. This cannot be used against you.
Available Options
The first appearance in court is known as an “arraignment”. At this time the officers and witnesses do not appear. Your options are the following:
- You may pay your ticket.
- You may ask the court for a Trial to the Court at which the judge will make all of the determinations. If you ask for a trial, it will be set for a later date. Both afternoon and evening times are available.
- In certain cases you may ask the judge for a trial to a jury, which will convene at a later date. This must be confirmed in writing and may require a deposit toward the costs.
- You may request to meet with the City Attorney in order to work out a “plea bargain”. For traffic tickets the court clerk already has the information about what “plea bargain” is available.
Alternative One
If you elect to pay your ticket, you may do so by seeing the clerk, signing a plea of guilty and paying the fine. If this is done by the original court date, court costs will not be added.
Alternative Two & Three
If you choose a Trial to the Court or Trial to a Jury, it is the judge’s (or jury’s) job to determine your innocence or guilt from the evidence. The judge will schedule your trial date two to three weeks in advance so that you will have time to subpoena witnesses. At your trial all witnesses must be present because the trial will be the final court proceeding for your case.
If you elect to proceed with a trial to a jury, you may do so only if you pay a $25.00 jury fee to the court clerk within 25 days after your first appearance in court. You must also file a written jury demand. If you fail to make the payment or to request a jury trial within the 25 days, you will have forfeited this right.
Alternative Four
If you are charged in a traffic case, the judge or court clerk can tell you what settlement, or “plea bargain,” if any, the City attorney is willing to make. You can complete the paperwork while you are in court.
If you are charged in a non-traffic case and you choose to meet with the City Attorney, the clerk will arrange an appointment at a later date for a pretrial conference. If you pick this alternative, the City Attorney will discuss the prospect of various plea arrangements at the conference. Most of those will include a payment of some sort of fines and/or costs, so you must be prepared to pay at that time. Typically, the City Attorney will discuss matters with you; they do not determine guilt or innocence.
It is important to note that a “plea bargain” is not a constitutional right; therefore, there is a possibility that you may not receive one.
If you are a minor (or under 18 years old) and you select the alternative of a pretrial conference, your parents need to attend the conference with you.
If you and the City Attorney arrive at an agreement concerning a disposition of your case, that will be your final appearance in court for this case.
Payment Options
La Junta Municipal Court currently accepts cash, money order or personal check as a method for payment. Pay online by electronic check, credit or debit card.
Online Payment:
Pay court fines/costs online
You will need your ticket number to do this. You can find this number on the upper right hand corner of your ticket or it will be on any letters or documents you receive from this court.
You may bring your payment to our office at 601 Colorado Avenue or mail it to:
La Junta Municipal Court
P.O. Box 145
La Junta, CO 81050
Please do not send cash in the mail.
Deferred Judgment and Sentence
Deferred Judgment and Sentence, or “a deferment”, is the City Attorney‘s offer, or “plea bargain” to drivers who have not had previous traffic violations in the City of La Junta.
A deferment is a six-month probationary period. In that time frame, you agree to pay off all fines and court costs and not get any more traffic tickets in the City of La Junta. If you are a juvenile, you also are required to take traffic school. We suggest, an online course.
Once the deferment period is complete and you have met all the requirements, the court will dismiss your ticket and the violation will not be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles. As a result, points will not be added to your license.
If you violate any portion of the deferment, you will be summoned back to court and the judge will review your case.
Failure to Appear
When an officer issues a summons, or “ticket,” they will write a court date on the form. This is the day you are to appear in court unless you make arrangements with the court clerk in advance.
Should you fail to appear, the following may apply to you:
Bench Warrant
If you fail to appear in court, a bench warrant may be issued for your arrest. If you are arrested on this warrant you will have to post a bond and face further court proceedings. If you cannot post a bond, you may have to spend some time in jail.
Outstanding Judicial Warrant
In traffic cases, if you fail to appear, the court will enter a default conviction against you with the Department of Motor Vehicles. This means that you will be convicted of the traffic violation and the points will be added to your license.
In addition, the judge will add up to $45.00 in court costs and fees to the original cost of your summons and will suspend your license with the Department of Motor Vehicles. You will not be able to clear your license until you pay your bill in full with the court. You may also be responsible to pay other fees and costs at the Department of Motor Vehicles before your license is reinstated. Contact the Department of Motor Vehicles for more information on reinstatement.
Pretrial Conferences
Pretrial conferences occur on the second Thursday of every month in the Municipal Court office. If you would like to plead not guilty and make an appointment with the City Attorney, contact the court office.
A pretrial conference is a meeting with City Attorney. In these conferences defendants can talk about their case with the City Attorney and possibly make a “plea bargain.” The City Attorney cannot judge whether someone is guilty or not guilty.
You may or may not receive a plea bargain. It is not a constitutional right.
If you are not pleased with the City Attorney‘s offer, the next step is to set the matter for Trial to Court. The court clerk will assist in this matter.