The Streets Department is responsible for 53 miles of City streets and approximately 35 miles of alleys. This responsibility extends to municipally owned property, floodways, easements.
The department also maintains regulatory traffic signage, municipal parking lots, markings for school crossing, alley maintenance, streets maintenance (including rebuilding, overlays, and resurfacing), street sweeping, and plowing.
The department employs four full-time employees and one Streets/Sanitation manager. All employees are required to have CDLs and the ability to operate heavy equipment such as loaders, excavators, pavers, rollers, dump trucks, tractors, and many other types of equipment. The Streets crew is also on-call 24 hours a day/7days a week.
The department takes pride in the work that they have completed for the community. Some recent examples of their work are: the paving project on Carson Ave between 1st Street and 5th Street, the bridge project on 3rd Street and King Arroyo, the replacement of the storm manhole at 10th Street and Carson Ave, and the pavement project at 14th Street and Bradish Ave.
The department will plow public streets during/after snow storm events. Generally, emergency snow routes will be addressed first. The central business district, arterial and collector streets, and residential streets will be tended to (in that order) as time allows. The City does require citizens to remove snow and ice from sidewalks, per code 12.04.361.
The department sprays for mosquitos in the early morning or evening hours. Pesticide spray is most effective while mosquitos are active. Please access the following link for more information:
Mosquito Spray Information and Schedule
To report potholes, missing signs, or other streets issues, please call (719) 384-5991.