City Clerk

The La Junta City Clerk is a senior municipal official responsible for a wide range of duties relating to City elections, City meetings, licensing, cemetery records, animal registrations and more. Notices of meetings, minutes of meetings, and decisions of City boards and commissions are filed in this office.

The City Clerk’s office manages City Council, Utility Board, La Junta Urban Renewal and La Junta Certified Local Government meeting minutes. Public notification of official events and meetings are posted in the entrance area of the Municipal Building,

The organization of municipal elections which includes petition signature document dispersal and collection for candidate qualification is done by the City Clerk. 

Municipal Codes

Municipal Codes, Ordinances, and Resolutions for public and administrative reference are maintained in the City Clerk’s  office.  Contact the office for access to specific ordinances or resolutions.  All Charter and Municipal Codes are available online here: City Charter and Municipal Code for the City of La Junta.

Special Event Permit

To qualify for a special event permit, an applicant must be:

  • Incorporated under the laws of Colorado for purposes of a social, fraternal, patriotic, political, educational, or athletic nature, and not for pecuniary gains,
  • Municipalities, counties, or special districts,
  • A nonprofit or charitable organization that is incorporated or registered with the Colorado Secretary of State,
  • A regularly chartered branch, lodge or chapter of a national nonprofit organization or society which is organized for social, fraternal, patriotic, political, or athletic purposes,
  • A regularly established religious or philanthropic institution,
  • A state institution of higher education to include each principal campus of such institution, or
  • A political candidate who has filed the necessary reports and statements with the Secretary of State.

Public notice of the proposed permit and of the procedure for protesting issuance of the permit must be conspicuously posted at the proposed location for at least 10 days prior to approval of the permit by the City Council.

Please return the Application, Checklist and Questionnaire to the City Clerk along with payment. 

Liquor Licenses

The Colorado Legislature has determined that the issuance and supervision of liquor licenses shall be closely regulated.  The City Council of the City of La Junta is the “Local Licensing Authority” for all licenses issued within the City of La Junta and is thus charged with carrying out these State-delegated duties.  General information and forms may be obtained from the Colorado Division of Liquor Enforcement at:

Please contact the City Clerk’s Office to discuss liquor license requirements including applying for a new liquor license, transferring or making changes to existing license.

Observed City Holidays  

  • New Years Day
  • Presidents Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving Day (Thursday & Friday)
  • Christmas
Animal Permit City Clerk 384-5991
Beer Permit Police 384-2525
Block Party Permit Police 384-2525
Building Permit Engineering 384-5991
Business Licenses Finance 384-5991
Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk Permit Engineering 384-5991
Demolition Permit Engineering 384-5991
Driver’s Licenses Otero County 383-2801
Explosives, Storage/Handling Permit Fire 384-2323
Fence Permit Engineering 384-5991
Gasoline Storage/Handling Fire 384-2323
Emergency Management Fire 384-2323
Hazardous Material Transporting Fire 384-2323
Liquid Propane Storage Permit Fire 384-2323
Liquor Licenses City Clerk 384-5991
Marriage Licenses Otero County 383-3020
Motor Vehicle License Plates Otero County 383-3020
Occupancy Permit Engineering 384-5991
Non-Conforming Use Certificates Engineering 384-5991
Patio Cover Permit Engineering 384-5991
Retaining Wall Permit Engineering 384-5991
Roofing Permit Engineering 384-5991
Sales/Use Tax License Finance 384-5991
Selling Alcoholic Beverages City Clerk 384-5991
Sewer Tap Permits Engineering 384-5991
Sign Permit Engineering 384-5991
Street Closures (block parties)  Engineering 384-5991
Street Cuts and Paving Engineering 384-5991
Swimming Pool Permit Engineering 384-5991
Tent Permit Fire 384-2323
Use By Exception Permit Engineering 384-5991
Vending/Peddler License Finance 384-5991
Zoning Variances Engineering 384-5991
Electrical Permit State of Colorado 894-2300
Plumbing Permit State of Colorado 375-6415
Request for Public Information

Melanie Scofield

City Clerk
Email Melanie
Phone: (719) 384-5991

Municipal Building

601 Colorado
La Junta, CO  81050
Phone: (719) 384-5991


Municipal Building Hours
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

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