Brick & Tile Park Trail

Brick & Tile Park is designed to accommodate all individuals – other abled, cognitively challenged, the very fit, or adult individuals.  Inclusive outdoor fitness & play equipment was extremely limited before La Junta Brick and Tile Park had its opening in March 2024. 

Originally a dusty, weed-infested arroyo, the La Junta Brick & Tile Park has been outfitted with innovative, inclusive, and fun activity and play equipment that everyone can access.  One can’t help but smile as one enters the park.  It’s an exploration center!  Interacting with the play equipment causes one to fly, swing, twirl, balance, sing, and jettison down a play tube!  It’s so much fun!

Brock Hinkhouse

Director of Parks & Recreation
Email Brock
Phone: (719) 384-5991
Parks & Rec Facebook

Brick & Tile Park Trail

1oth & Barnes

Open Daily
6 a.m.-11 p.m.

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