Senior Center

The La Junta Senior Center provides social activities, meals, and educational opportunities for the community.  The Senior Center is located downtown on E 2nd Street near Raton Avenue. The Senior Center provides recreational activities for the entire community. The  community’s Meal-on-Wheels program also operates out of the Senior Center.

The Senior Center has more than 500 members. The facility consists of a main community room and multiple, classroom-sized rooms for programming. The main community room includes a kitchen, open space, tables and chairs, and shelves full of books and board games. The open space is used for Friday night dances  (complete with a live band), morning exercise classes and walking club, and other community activities. Each year, the Senior Center hosts a Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. 

Numerous programming activities are available to the community through the  Senior Center. There are community classes, some of which include: pottery,  crochet, quilting, and leather crafting. There are Scrabble, bingo, billiards,  dominos, and other gaming events. Exercise classes such as tai chi and Zumba are also offered. Historically, the Senior Center has organized regional daytrips for its members, seeking out scenic destinations and other cultural events. 

The Senior Center is located near the docking station for La Junta’s bus system, which provides curb-to-curb service for residents. 

Dawn Block

Director of Senior Center, Transit, Human Resources, Grant Coordinator
Email Dawn
Phone: (719) 384-5486

Senior Center

102 East 2nd Street
La Junta, CO  81050
Phone: (719) 384-5486


Monday through Thursday
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

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