The La Junta Public Library began compiling a third volume in its 110-year history on March 1, 1997. A new $1.25 million, 10,000 square foot facility opened its doors to the public on that date. Designed to be a ‘library for the 21st century’, it became a reality after 1995 voter approval of a bond issue and sales tax increase.
The new Woodruff Memorial Library was formally dedicated on April 23, 1997, exactly 76 years to the day after the formal opening of the 3,000 square foot building on the same site, the first to carry the name of Thomas T. Woodruff. A bronze plaque, a gift to the library from the school children of the city in 1921, has been preserved. It has been remounted next to the front door of the new building.
The Woodruff Memorial Library offers popular adult and children’s materials, information services, programs for children, Internet access, and a wide variety of other services. There is an outside book-drop located at the end of the parking lot in the southwest corner of the building.
The Woodruff Memorial Library has available for use a public meeting room with a thirty-six (36) person capacity, a small study room and a large, covered patio. We welcome all individuals and groups to use the facility.
Meetings of any kind are free for city, school and non-profit groups. There are fees for private parties and for-profit entities.
There is a flat fee of $20 per use for the meeting room and patio. There is no fee for use of the study room. Payment must be collected at time of application.
The spaces will be offered on a first reserved basis. No reservation is required for the use of the study room, although it may be reserved if needed. Reservations are not complete until the WML application form and payment is received at the Library and has been approved by staff. Cancellations made 24 hours prior to use will receive a refund. No refund for failure to notify the Library of cancellation. Failure to notify the Library of cancellation may result in future use being denied.